The children of a will-maker sought to recover a family company’s debts from their father’s estateadmin2021-08-10T05:52:01+10:00August 10, 2021|
The will-maker listed his housekeeper as the residual beneficiary, making inadequate provisions for his children and grandchildrenadmin2021-08-10T05:51:17+10:00August 10, 2021|
A Will was not updated despite a change in the will-maker’s circumstances, so his children sought further provision from the estateadmin2021-08-10T05:50:54+10:00August 10, 2021|
A widow sought to recover debts and interests owed to her by the estateadmin2021-08-10T05:50:33+10:00August 10, 2021|
An error appeared to have been made in the drafting of the Will, as it included bizarre termsadmin2021-08-10T05:50:11+10:00August 10, 2021|
The will-maker left a small amount to one of her sons and a larger amount to her other two sonsadmin2021-08-10T05:49:27+10:00August 10, 2021|