Don’t delay in obtaining independent legal advice

Independent means independent from the will-maker’s lawyer, independent from the executor’s lawyer, independent from the other beneficiaries’ lawyers and independent from the lawyers acting for anyone making a challenge or claim on an inheritance dispute.

Everyone involved in these types of disputes will be trying to protect their own interests.

You should obtain immediate independent advice if:

  • You suspect that the executor has not taken the proper steps to protect your inheritance.
  • You hear that there is a challenge or a claim against the estate.
  • You suspect that you have not been kept properly informed as to how the inheritance dispute is progressing.
  • The executor does not share your view of the proper way to administer the estate.
  • The executor does not share your view of the proper way to protect the estate assets.
  • The executor is a trustee company, the public trustee or an executor company.

Speak to our specialist solicitors today

Time limits apply to will challenges and estate dispute claims, so if you have any doubt about your rights in relation to a will or estate, contact us now to get proper advice on your rights. If you are too slow to seek our help you could lose your inheritance.

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It might be expected that a trustee company, the public trustee or an executor company can be relied on to protect the interest of the beneficiaries named in the Will. However, if there is an inheritance dispute, a challenge to the will or a claim against the estate then it is best that you have your own independent lawyer. This is often preferred by the trustee companies, the public trustees and the executor companies.

If your entitlement under a will is threatened then there should be no delay at all in you obtaining the best independent legal advice. If you miss your opportunity to defend your inheritance then you will not get a second chance.

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Challenge an unfair will

If you:

  • expected to be named as a beneficiary in a Will;
  • or are named as a beneficiary but your share is unfairly or unreasonably small,

then the law may give you the right to claim a bigger part of the estate.

Review a suspicious will

If you suspect that a will has been:

  • forged
  • made under “undue influence”
  • made under a misunderstanding or delusion

we can help you review and challenge it.

You’ve been named an executor

Have you been named as an executor of a will? Our expert legal advice can help you ensure that the right people get the right assets