Wondering how to contest a will? The Will Challenge Lawyers specialise in challenging unfair wills and can help you navigate these legal matters promptly to protect your inheritance. Let’s look at the common grounds for contesting a will in Sydney.
Top Reasons to Contest Unfair Wills
If a will is unfair to you, there are options to challenge it with the help of a contest will lawyer in Sydney. If you were expecting to be named as a beneficiary, or you are named but your share is unreasonably small, the law may give you the right to claim a larger portion of the will. You may also suspect that the will was forged or made under undue influence. Our specialist solicitors can help you make sense of these matters and your legal options to contest a will in Sydney.
Potential Claimants Against an Estate
When thinking about contesting a will in Sydney, there’s a lengthy list of potential claimants, including children, stepchildren, grandchildren, spouses, ex-partners and people who have been dependent on the deceased. If you fall into any of these categories, you may want to speak to a contest will lawyer in Sydney about your options to challenge a will.
Elements of a Proper Will
If you decide to contest a will in Sydney, the court will assess whether the will is “proper,” which means certain family members will have a fair go at using their inheritance to move on in life. To determine if a will is “proper” the court will review:
- The estate’s total value and other people named in the will
- Your relationship with the deceased, including any special contributions to their well-being
- Your state of health and financial circumstances
- Number of dependants on you and their needs
The court will also evaluate if you conducted your affairs with the deceased properly throughout their life. All of these elements will play a role in will reviews and challenges, so it’s best to have a dedicated legal team by your side to navigate such matters.
Speak to a Trusted Contest Will Lawyer in Sydney
If you would like to move forward with contesting a will, The Will Challenge Lawyers will help you seek justice. Contact us online to get started with challenging an unfair will.